Parenting Tips: Homework Help For Kids

  • Work-from-home


Heart's Raaz
TM Star
Sep 20, 2013

One of the biggest frustrations I heard from parents when I was a classroom teacher was the uncertainty of how the parent could give homework help to their kids. I understood and could relate to this frustration because I had two girls at home and just because I was a classroom teacher did not mean that homework help was any easier.
Many times kids do not want to do homework; there are lots of other things they would much rather be doing. Trying to make the homework experience as comfortable as possible is the best thing a parent can do for their kids. There will probably always be some type of reluctance from kids to do homework, but the more positive experiences they have with homework, the greater chance that kids and homework may become manageable.
Here you will find tips for parents that hopefully will make homework help for kids easier and more enjoyable. These homework parenting tips come from my personal experience as a parent and from experiences as a classroom teacher.
Allocate a Homework Area
Kids need a quiet spot in the home to do their homework; the area should be well lit and there should be minimal amount of distractions. The homework designated area should be far enough from the family so there is not a lot of noise but yet close enough if your child needs homework help, you will be able to get to him or her relatively quickly.

Keep Plenty of Office Supplies in the Homework Area
It is important for kids to have everything they need to complete their homework at the tips of their fingers. An important aspect of helping kids with homework is making sure they have sharpened pencils, sharpener, erasers, highlighters, paper and anything else they need to complete their homework successfully.

Have a Set Time Each Night for Homework
Kids like and need consistency and having a set time each night for the completion of homework is really important for homework success. When kids know that they need to work on homework at the same time each day, it takes the stress off the child and the parent because there should be no argument as to when homework needs to get done.

Show Interest in Your Child's Homework
Helping kids with homework means showing a sincere interest in what they are working on and learning. Kids feel more confident and secure when they know they have their parent's support and homework help is an area where kids really need support.

Talk Positively About Homework
As a parent, talking to your child positively about homework helps to creative a more positive atmosphere and attitude towards homework. Talking negatively about homework will only make your child not want to do homework and he or she will feel like they are being validated in their decision to not want to do homework.
Helping kids with homework takes some effort and time but a child who is able to manage their homework in a positive manner will be less stressed, more prepared for school and learn life long self management skills.
