Loss Of Sleep, Even For A Single Night, Increases Inflammation In The Body

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Mar 15, 2007
Loss Of Sleep, Even For A Single Night, Increases Inflammation In The Body :

losing sleep for even part of one night can trigger the key cellular pathway that produces tissue-damaging inflammation. The findings suggest a good night?s sleep can ease the risk of both heart disease and autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.

the association between sleep disturbance and risk of a wide spectrum of medical conditions including cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes, certain cancers, and obesity is proportional.

Physical and psychological stress brought on in part by grinding work, school and social schedules is keeping millions of Americans up at night,? said Dr. Irwin, lead author and director of the Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunolog y at the Semel Institute. ?America?s sleep habits are simply not healthy. Our findings suggest even modest sleep loss may play a role in common disorders that affect sweeping segments of the population.? In other words, sleep is vitally important to maintaining a healthy body. And as Dr. Krystal notes, ?these findings provide a potential mechanistic avenue through which addressing sleep disturbance might improve health
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