Abu Dhabi Teen Abandoned By Friends After Overdosing On Drugs

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TM Star
Dec 10, 2015
The group spent the night bingeing on the banned painkiller and other drugs

A teenage boy was abandoned by friends and left to die after overdosing on tramadol and other drugs.

Abu Dhabi Criminal Court heard details of the case on Sunday, including how the Emirati victim had become hooked on narcotics at the age of 16.

Chief Justice Idris Mansour was told that the teen and two other friends, who were also under 18, went to the apartment of an older friend, aged 21, in Abu Dhabi towards the end of the summer.

The group spent the night bingeing on the banned painkiller and other drugs until the victim fell unconscious.

Prosecutors claim that after seeing what had happened to their friend, the youngsters fled the scene, leaving the victim’s body outside the apartment.

In court, the two teens were sentenced to time in juvenile detention, to be determined by the judge at a later date, while the 21-year-old was jailed for two years and ordered into drug rehab.

A prosecutor told the court: “After seeing their friend dead, the two teens ran away and left the owner of the apartment alone with the body. The young man then dragged the teen’s body, dumped it at the door outside his apartment and fled the scene. The body was spotted by neighbours in the morning.”

Prosecutors said the teen’s parents, had no clue about his drug habits and had believed he was in his bedroom at home on the night he died.

They started searching for him when the discovered his bed was empty.

A prosecutor said: “As the parents tried to look around and waited for him to return home, police phoned to tell them they had found their boy dead.

“His father was shocked to hear that his son had died of drug overdose, his parents had no idea he was an addict or had fallen in with a bad crowd.”

But the prosecutor said his father had admitted he had not spent much time with his son for some time and did not know who his friends were.

A forensic report confirmed the teen died of drug overdose.

After finding the teen’s body, the Emirati owner of the apartment and the two teenage friends were arrested and charged.

In court, the trio admitted consuming drugs.

They told Justice Mansour they had been taking drugs for some time and were addicted