A Man Faked His Kidnapping To Get Money From His Mother But….

  • Work-from-home


Nov 24, 2012
A 25-year-old man from Knoxville, Tennessee came up with a questionably brilliant plan in an attempt to get money from his mother. Zachery Longsdon texted his mother several times, pretending to be a dealer selling illegal substances who had allegedly kidnapped her son.

Image Source: Knox County Sheriffs Office

Mrs. Longsdon was asked to pay $200 otherwise the alleged dealer would kill her son. However, the woman didn’t quite trust the messages as her son had tried the same scam before aiming to get money from her in order to sponsor his horrible habit. Worried whether she was being told the truth or not, Mrs. Longsdon contacted the police. The investigators organized a meeting for the money to be dropped off but when Zachery showed up and saw all the police cars, he quickly fled the scene. A short while later the man was arrested and accused of filing a false report. A $3,500 bail is required for Zachery’s release which is more than 10 times the money he wanted to get from his mother.