Help Shipping Method In Magento (table Rates).

  • Work-from-home


Business Opportunities Network
Jul 3, 2009
Torino, Italy
The prices we have depends on weight and same in all UK but if the weight increase the price increase now Magento allows us three methods in table rates (if we have to update the custom price)
a. Price Vs Destination
b. Wegiht vs Destination
c. Item vs Destination
We can choose the best as Weight Vs Destination because our prices depends on weight. Magento has an CSV file to update the data. I updated the data in CSV with location same United Kingdom for all the weights and prices. Previously it was working and calculating the shipping cost and adding it in total but now it’s not working properly. How to add the data in table rates? Any tutorial that can solve my problem. I have different data to update in table rates with respect to Weight and Price because destination is the same for all. Thanks in advance for response.