How to Improve Urdu Writing

  • Work-from-home


Sep 23, 2009
United Kingdom
With more than 104 million speakers of the Urdu language around the world, including those who speak Urdu as a second language, it is important for those who have some Urdu knowledge to improve their writing skills. Urdu has been written in the Nastaliq style since the 12th century, following the script formulated by Persians and Arabs. Urdu is the formal national language of Pakistan and is considered to be very similar to Hindi; linguists identify the two languages as starkly different.


Enroll in Urdu writing classes at a University or your local Student Language Learning centers. Also, there are workshops held to encourage and tutor writers to learn the Urdu language.

Read the works of popular Urdu novelists. This will help you develop an understanding of the usage of the various words in Urdu, and will improve your writing, making it more solid and structured.

Gather material in Urdu and try to find articles and news stories to read in Urdu. This will help you assimilate Urdu vocabulary that will help enhance your writing.

Buy an Urdu dictionary, thesaurus and other relevant guides that will help you learn the language with ease. Whenever you find a word that you don't know the meaning of, or are confused about its usage, you can consult the dictionary.

Practice writing the Urdu language on a regular basis so that it starts coming naturally to you. Set a target to write a certain amount in a given time and stick to that in order to improve your writing skills.

Things You'll Need
Urdu dictionary
Urdu Thesaurus
Urdu learning materials