Aye Khuda Meri Arze Pak Py Utray Wo Fasl-e-Gul !!!!

  • Work-from-home


Super Star
Jun 23, 2010

I Pray
We regain the lost dignity of ourselves
The dignity which once patently belonged to our forefathers
But it does not belong to ours

I Pray
We understand there exist no provincial boundaries
The boundaries that divide our thoughts and aims
May we remove major and minor differences amongst

I Pray
We fulfill the ambition of Quaid-e-Azam, Allama Iqbal
And all those who struggled in the freedom movement of Pakistan
To see this Nation one of the greatest nation in the world

I Pray
All the internal and external conspiracies proceeding against Pakistan come to an end
And we get unite to fight against the faction
May we dispatch it

I Pray
Our leadership of Pakistan become sincere to the Nation
Pakistanis become sincere to the Nation too
May Allah bring all of us to some sanity

I Pray
Instead of getting inspired by West
We make our own flourishing identity
And make world inspired by Pakistan and Pakistanis

I Pray
Corruption come to an end in Pakistan
Equity and Justice prevails
May we learn to distinguish between Right and Wrong

I Pray
Sohni Dharti Allah Rakhey Qadam Qadam Aabaad Tujhey

Aameen. Summa Aameen

