News President takes notice of statement by PPP associate: Rehman Malik

  • Work-from-home


Sep 23, 2009
United Kingdom
Minister for Interior, Rehman Malik on Thursday said President Asif Ali Zardari has taken notice of a statement issued by PPP associate and sought a report from Chief Minister Sindh in this regard.Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has already termed that statement as his “personal views,” he said this in a statement issued here.Rehman Malik said the role of Urdu speaking community in the creation of Pakistan is above board and their sacrifices for the cause are always acknowledged, adding that PPP leadership considers MQM Chief, Altaf Hussain a respectable and a national leader.
“When Shaheed PPP leader Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto decided to return to Pakistan, I was asked to first contact with Altaf Hussain. His three associates held a meeting with me in London Victory Club”, he recalled.
The Minister said Mohtarma Benazir had always lauded the role of MQM leadership for the promotion of democracy and bringing it on the right track.
He said Mohtarma had said that both PPP and MQM would jointly put the country on path of progress and make efforts to achieve the development goals.
Rehman Malik also appreciated the cooperation of MQM during the last three years as PPP’s ally in the government and in this regard, role of Altaf Hussain would always be remembered, who stood shoulder to shoulder with PPP in difficult times.
The Minister while making excuse with Altaf Hussain, said he knew that the personal statement of PPP’s associate had shattered the feelings of MQM leader, but at the same time we also know that Altaf Hussain is a kind national leader.
He expressed the hope that MQM leader would issue a positive statement for the betterment of the country as well as Karachi and would ask his party workers to remain calm.​