News PM Gilani contempt case hearing adjourned till Thursday

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Mar 5, 2010
ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Wednesday told Aitzaz Ahsan that Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani could be indicted in the contempt of court case if he failed to convince the court on the president’s immunity.

A larger bench of the Supreme Court headed by Justice Nasit ul Mulk heard the contempt of court case against Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani.

During proceedings, Justice Nasir remarked that there would be no need for contempt proceedings if immunity was proven, adding that the PM said the decision not to write the letter to Swiss authorities was his own.

PM Gilani's counsel barrister Aitzaz Ahsan argued that the premier could not read the detailed verdict of the court thus he had to act on the advice of aides.

'Law Minister and Secretary advised the prime minister' Ahsan said.

Ahsan added the President of Pakistan had immunity both in and outside the country. ‘My opinion was there is no issue in writing the letter,’ Aitzaz said.

Didn't PM violate orders by refusing to write letter, Justice Khosa asked. 'He acted on advice of aides, not on the orders of the court.' Is this the sincerity that your client doesn't write letter, he observed.

Aitzaz argued that for implementation, the case should have gone to the High Court.

On January 19, giving his point of view before the seven-member bench, Prime Minister Gilani said the president enjoyed complete immunity.

The hearing of the case was adjourned till Thursday which is when the apex court has ordered Aitzaz Ahsan to conclude his arguments.