Parts Of Speech:)

  • Work-from-home


Hijab is my Beauty..
Super Star
Apr 7, 2013
Words are classified according to the particular work they do in a sentence. The particular work which a word does is called its function. The Parts of Speech are the classes into which words are divided according to their function in a sentence.

There are eight parts of speech:-

1. Noun 2. Pronoun

3. Adjective 4. Verb

5. Adverb 6. Preposition

7. Conjunction 8. Interjection

1. Noun: A noun is the name of a person, place or thing.

The word 'thing' means all objects that we can see, hear, smell, touch or taste, or something that we can think of.

e.g. 1. Asoka was a noble king.

2. The sun rises in the east.

The italicised words in the above examples are nouns.

2. Pronoun: A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun.

e.g. As Raman is ill, he will not come to school.

They will go the market today.

3. Adjective: An adjective is a word used to qualify or describe a noun, or, in other words, an Adjective is a word that is used to add something to the meaning of a noun or a pronoun.

E.g. 1.The rose is a beautiful flower.

2. Twenty soldiers were killed.

4. Verb: A Verb is a word used for saying something about a person, place, or thing. In other words, action words are called Verbs.

E.g. 1. The poor girl cried bitterly.

2. Mumbai is a big city.

5. Adverb: An adverb is a word which qualifies a verb, adjective or another adverb. In other words, an Adverb is used to describe a verb.

E.g. 1. The poor girl girl cried bitterly.

2. He runs quickly.

3. The painting is very beautiful.

6. Preposition: A Preposition is a word used with a Noun or Pronoun to show its relation to some other words in the sentence.

e.g. 1. The cat is lying on the table.

2. Sita is fond of music.

7. Conjunction: A conjunction is a word used to join together words, phrases or sentences.

E.g. 1. Two and two make four. (Words)

2. He was a man of courage but of no reputation. (Phrases)

3. She is fond of music, but hates dancing. (Sentences)

8: Interjection: An interjection is an exclamatory word, denoting some sudden feeling.

E.g. 1. Hurrah! we have won the match.

2. Alas! poor Kamala is dead..........