Keys To Good Business Presentations

  • Work-from-home


Co Admin
Mar 15, 2007
Unlike many types of presentations that are given at a myriad of different locations; a business presentation is quite unique. Often times it doesnt solely rely on keeping people occupied, although it is something to consider, but more importantly it focuses on relaying information to others and keeping clarity high. Writing good business presentations relies heavily on focusing less and less on traditional presentation concepts and concentrating harder on others. While there are hundreds of courses and classes that offer to teach you how to write good business presentations; that really isnt necessary. With a basic concept of presentation writing and a will to learn, it only takes a few simple key points to convert mediocre business presentations into a great one.
Much like a traditional presentation, business presentations needs to be organized extremely carefully. Unlike a traditional presentation though, business presentations needs to be completely focused around the facts and information that is crucial to the business. Do concentrate on numbers and figures such as how many cars the company sold that day. Dont however concentrate on things that skirt the boundaries of irrelevancy such as who sold the most cars. Its not that they cant be included, but they should be added later to entertain or connect the audience. A good example of the proper way to use them would be to focus on the facts such as how many cars were sold, and then mention who sold the most to shift into employee sales etiquette.

With traditional presentations its often times not a good idea to include a lot of different graphics. It too easily distracts the audience and it keeps them from listening to you. However, business presentations require a lot of the only type of graphics that is almost universally acceptable, the cart. The chart will be a visual in business presentations to keep the focus on the facts. It will keep the audience from losing touch with the speaker by engaging their visual parts of the brain but still offer relevant information. Charts are always a good tool to use in business presentations but over doing it is something that should be monitored.
Speaking clearly and precisely is always a must at any presentation, but more so during a business presentation. Look for visual cues that the audience understands what you are saying, things like a slight nod of the head or firm eye contact are great signs they arent lost. Keeping a lookout for bad signs is just as important in business presentations. Things like yawns or distant stares means that you have lost the interest of the group and you should try switching speaking styles or somehow engaging them by asking a question. If the business presentation itself is good and the audience is kept interested, then the keys of writing good business presentations has been properly learned and utilized.