How To Practice Public Speaking

  • Work-from-home


Co Admin
Mar 15, 2007
The real downfall to peoples poor speaking skills is not the lack of knowledge on how to properly communicate or a lack of drive to learn. Instead its the lack of practice that is their major vice. Unfortunately people these days have increasingly busy schedules and finding time to make real efforts to improve their public speaking skills take a backseat to the numerous other obligations the average citizen today has. Those in the know will tell you however that it does not take any substantial time obligation to improve public speaking skills, and there are literally dozens of places in which to practice your public speaking, many of which people visit on a daily basis and dont even know it.
Organized events are great places to learn to improve your public speaking. Since they are organized its often times much easier to clear your schedule to attend and the announced subject of the event will allow you to somewhat prepare. Organized events can be found all over the city from city meetings to poetry readings at your public library, all of them will offer a structured environment to improve your public speaking. Its not important to be able to make all of the events, unlike the unstructured ones they require far fewer attendances to make a noticeable impact on your public speaking skills and often times formal events are far and few between so they shouldnt be your main subject of focus when it comes to public speaking.

The next areas in which to improve ones public speaking are the areas in which you are in daily. These are the supermarkets, the long lines at a cafi or even the gas station attendant. All of these people are public speaking tools is disguise. The key to utilizing them though is to talk to them, and talk to them often. Strike up a conversation with anyone you can; the subject of the conversation is not really important. Talking consistently and regularly to strangers will help reduce anxiety levels, increase verbal skills and give an overall boost to your comfort level among strangers. Its these informal meetings that people regularly ignore when trying to improve their public speaking and unfortunately it is these events, which are the most helpful.
Improving public speaking skills is a two-step process. Ignoring one will simply aggravate the flaws that are already established in your speaking skills. Utilizing public events as a free forum to practice and improve is something that almost any expert would recommend and while it may no be on a topic you are particularly interested in, it will be practice and that is what is important when it comes to speaking skills. The unorganized events and the conversations you hold in your daily life are direct reflections of how well your public speaking abilities will be. Sentence fluency and just about every technical aspect of speaking will improve if you simply talk more often and to more people. Like everything else in the world, public speaking and how well you are at it, is just a matter of practice.