The Importance Of Art And Music Education In Schools

  • Work-from-home


‎Pяiиcε ♥
Oct 9, 2013
As school districts around the country tighten their belts to minimize debts caused by deflated education budgets, many programs that are deemed non-essential are being cut. Prime examples of such programs being cut include art and music education. While many argue that art and music classes are not as important as English or Math, there is a firm educational value that can be derived from a strong knowledge of music and art. Read on for more on the importance of art and music education for children.

Does Music Improve Performance in Math?

There have been many studies performed that show that music, especially Classical music and music performance, have a positive connection to one's math abilities. This being said, music programs can be a vital part of a young child's education. Learning a musical instrument requires skill, dedication and concentration. To play an instrument in the correct tempo, understanding that there are 4 beats per measure and 4 clicks of the metronome per frame, takes time to master.

The correlation between math and music is strong. Many trained musicians are constantly counting in their heads during performances as they read the notes off of sheet music, another skill a musically trained child can boast. Understanding the tempo and the notes composed and adequately performing is not only art. It takes a skillful musician to translate the complex notes on paper into a tangible song for the ear to enjoy. One particular study indicates that music targets a part of the brain that is used for solving mathematical equations.

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