How to make your Nail Paint last longer on your nails

  • Work-from-home


--> BIRDY ♪♫♩
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Jul 20, 2010
Who Cares....
How to make your Nail Paint last longer on your nails

  • Before starting to apply nail polish you must remove all traces of the old nail polish.
  • Even if your nails are devoid of any older polish, it is advised to dip a cotton ball in nail polish remover and rub it on your bare nails. This will help in getting rid of any traces of oil and hence make the polish stick to your nails rather than oil.
  • Apply a base coat before applying nail polish. This will not only make your nail polish last longer but will also prevent yellow-ness of nails.
  • Always apply double coat of a nail polish. However dark the shade is, a double coat is a must.
  • Apply the second only after the first coat is completely dry.
  • Apply your nail polish in thin layers. Thick layers tend to peel off.
  • In order to delay chipping from the outer edges, lock your polish by applying it from the tip of your nails to under your nails. This will create a “cover” over your edges and hence, delay it from chipping.
  • If you really have some more time in hand, you can also apply a transparent top coat over your nail paint. This will not only add an extra protective layer but will also impart a gloss
  • You may also dip your nail in ice water (after applying the nail polish). The cold solidifies the nail polish.
  • Also, keep your hands always moisturized.
  • Avoid using your fingernails to remove staple wires or open canned drinks. This was obvious but worth mentioning