High-volume Music

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Mar 15, 2007
High-volume Music through Earphones Can Lead to the Loss of Hearing

Every tenth owner of a CD or MP3 player is at high risk of losing hearing, as they often listen to high-volume music, scientists say.
This risk, according to specialists, is being developed from regular listening to high-volume music more than an an hour per day during 5 years. It means that approximately 10 million people all over Europe, including children and teenagers, can suffer from their passion of listening to music through earphones. Statistics say that from 50 to 100 million people use audio players everyday. This is a problem more and more spread among young people, that's why the European committee has promised to lead an investigation on it.
Safety warnings indicate that the maximum level of noise in earphones is in the limits of 100 decibels, but, unfortunately, people usually don't respect these norms. A lot of music lovers raise the level of noise to 89 decibels so they can "plug" the noise in means of public transport.
So, in conclusion, we have from 5 to 10 per cent of music listeners in a group of high risk (that makes circa 2.5 to 10 million people). And losing hearing can be irreversible in such cases, as studies show. Perhaps, the effects of listening to music in high-volume and through earphones often cannot be seen or noticed, but they cumulate in time and when one less expects it, the problems appear. Specialists affirm that they will try to find a solution to this problem, but, in the meantime, for the sake of health, a person should refrain oneself from very high-volume levels of music in the earphones and thus, protect the sense of hearing.