Dr. "Aafia Siddiqui," a Muslim woman came to torment the American varieties

  • Work-from-home


Jan 29, 2012
Dr. "Aafia Siddiqui," a Muslim woman came to torment the American varieties

(East), Mansour Al-Bader: The days pass World women over the years and remain a Muslim woman .. Exposed to many of the violations and crimes in its own right .. At the forefront of violations against women held in U.S. prisons .. Whether inside or outside the United States .. Perhaps the story of Dr. "Aafia Siddiqui is" almost the most jarring sentiment .. Fafah veiled Muslim Pakistani woman, slim body, small in size .. In the third decade of life .. Spent quietly and request for information and knowledge .. It spent a long period regardless of her life in the United States where she studied neurology in the "Massachusetts Institute of Technology" (one of the largest universities in America) .. To join a convoy of Medicine, where her family as "the daughter of a doctor, and sister to the doctor again .. and the wife of a doctor, a mother of three children, who remained under its auspices after splitting from her husband ...

In March 2003 I traveled from (Rawalpindi), where the headquarters of its work to the (Karachi) to visit her mother and her sister, and after the end of the visit came out of the house of her mother taking her a taxi to deliver it to the airport, but did not arrive, and did not know about a thing .. Disappeared with her three children.

News-being absent .. And her story remained secret without the knowledge of a place of detention or detained because of charge .. I started to leak news about the unidentified woman referred to as the "Lady of Bagram sad prisoner number" 650 to obscure the real character .. Arrested with the men in the (Bagram prison) Afghanistan - the U.S., "the notorious" .. Lived a miserable life, having fun tormenting her Vaharas .. Front sight and hearing counterparts of the detainees .. Vhfr tales of torture deep gullies that are difficult to eliminate them in their hearts and days Ojaddanhm ..

It had never imagined that the health of a share in its crisis with more than five hundred people .. Were abducted from their families between America and sold cheaply to a few dollars .. It took the authorities about them very discreet.

But one of those wretched was (most of Beck) .. Spent at Bagram, a period of time during which he used to hear the cries of the woman .. When transferred to "Guantanamo" .. that has been present in the shrieks and heard his conscience and his conscience .. After his release in AD 2005, wrote a book called the (enemy combatant) (enemy combatant) record what they saw and experienced manifestations of injustice and tyranny, the U.S., did not forget to mention the prisoner number (650) and screams that the mark is the only function it.

I read the British press (Yvonne Ridley) (former prisoner of the Taliban - which declared its Islam) wrote (most of Beck) and pushed their sense of the press to search for the identity of that prisoner unknown and after research and investigation I discovered that it is not only Dr. (Aafia Siddiqui) flying, specialized in neuroscience, which disappeared from Karachi in 2003 ..,, declared (Yvonne Ridley) had witnessed to the world: then began an intensive campaign to raise awareness of the issue of Aafia Siddiqui. And mobilized activists to move in this case, which represents the pinnacle of American injustice ..,, succeeded (Ridley) in raising international public opinion .. Were taken following the issue of "Aafia Siddiqui," large numbers of activists and human rights .. Detection and exposure of these "health" through its presence in prison for various types of torture beyond the capacity of the strongest men to carry it. As for the brutal treatment Vdalaltha when she appeared for the first time in a New York court to prosecute those charges fabricated by the alien a few months .. She can not stand .. Based on the other while standing and walking .. And look thin and weak .. And bleeding them, and the visible signs of torture.

Doctor of Pakistan. Has 144 honorary degrees and certificates in the study of the nervous system of the various institutes of the world, the only neurologist in the world, winning an honorary doctorate from Harvard University
There is not even in America, their qualifications,
Abducted with her father and 3 children, by the FBI from Karachi, with the help of the Pakistani government. (For alleged contact with the base)
She is now in prison, the United States of America,
Having lost the memory, due to physical torture, sexual and psychological.
God suffices, and yes the proxy. . Aafia Siddiqui carried inside the prison in America, where American civilization, and where ethics? This is the ethics and American civilization. . !
Was sexually assaulted a Muslim captive not slept the eyes of cowards. . !
I received a letter via email from the campaign of the defense of Aafia Siddiqui and the letter stating that in early November 2011, received the family well-being of disturbing reports that Dr. Siddiqui when I became pregnant in prison Carswell fmc, and they have undergone a forced abortion, and she bled profusely as a result of you. And found to be suffering from cancer was reported to family well-being in a letter from prison on condition.
Claimed by both sides of the slave to God / Yasser Sirri, the director of the Islamic Media Observatory for the medical team independently and impartially and allow him the full and immediate access to Dr Aafia Siddiqui in Carswell fmc to assess their condition. .